
If there’s one thing that I hear from post-ops, it’s about cravings. Questions like: “Why am I getting these cravings?” “What causes these crazy out of control cravings I’m getting?” “How do I get rid of cravings?” “Why do I feel like these cravings are controlling so much of my life?” “Where did my will…

Probiotics and a Healthy Gut Ecology

Probiotics seem to be the new “in” thing to say you’re doing. Problem being that most of us don’t really even understand what they are – much less where to get them – or how to keep them – in your gut! Or – for that matter – why you would even want them in…


I’ve been talking with a post-op who has been going through – well, putting it bluntly – intestinal hell.  After sitting and talking with her for quite some time something became blaring obvious – to me, anyway. This lady was in drastic need of some honest assessment of her lifestyle AND a good round of…

Organic Gardening: 9 Foods to Boost the Immune System

Organic Gardening: 9 Foods to Boost the Immune System. I’m at the tail end of the THIRD illness I’ve had in two months. I miss my spleen. Who knew it did so much to keep me healthy?! It was great to read this article and find that so many of the foods that I think…

Bathroom Issues

Bathroom Issues I know there are several out there who have talked about how they feel as if bathroom issues are ruling their lives, so I figured it was time to start talking in earnest about what can be done for this. But before we go there, I think I need to back up to…